twenty eight: the chewy

First post of 2012, and hopefully more to come. Some of my friends asked me about a recipe for a chewy chocolate chip cookie. I last made these years ago, and I remembered thinking if these cookies were chewy, or cakey. I whipped up a batch, and asked my cousins to try – most of them voted for chewy. My sisters said the cookies were chewy too.

My verdict? Well yeah chewy, but with a slightly cakey centre. I read somewhere about how some recipes asked for a sprinkle of sea salt on the cookie dough before baking. I didn’t have any sea salt (note to self: I should probably consider buying it for the home pantry…), so I used the ordinary salt instead. I tried this seemingly weird step on my last two cookies and oh boy, it did make a difference! The salt actually enhanced the flavour of the cookie, giving it some sort of ‘kick’, if you will. I think I might want to give this recipe a second try, with the sea salt of course.

Recipe’s from Alton Brown. You might want to watch his YouTube videos for more handy tips. Happy trying, and happy new year to all. (:

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